Hey Poppy! I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote to you!!
Not much has changed! Still debating on whether or not to retire!! I know I know! Decisions decisions !!! On one hand! Would be nice 😊 yet! I know I will be bored 🥱 shit crazy!! Yet! I still think 🤔 I need to work.
I am still trying to focus on my health and my mental health as well!! Yep! You are right! I been working out now consistently for 12 days!! I know right!! Go me! Go me!!
Just not the same without my cheerleader 📣 saying go pandies go!! Yes! I do feel you beside whispering in my ear! You got this Pandies!!
I rearranged the house! 🏡 move my office to the spare room!!
Got a little table and chairs!! To where I eat my dinner 🥘 now!! Not every night but most!!
The house feels empty some days!! Yet I do push myself to stay moving!! Still hard sometimes to get out of the house thus my perplexed mind on retiring!! I know it’s hard to get back into life!!
I surely hope you are enjoying your heavenly family!! Cause your earthly family misses you terribly!!
Gonna start taking Grandpa to English church, as he is having difficulties now with Spanish Mass!! Just know! I will continue praying 🙏🏼 for you and your family!!
With all my love !!
My post workout pose!!